Hate Crimes and Trauma

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Hate crime numbers see an increase every year. While this is indicative of how rampant such criminal offenses are, it also points to an improvement in crime reporting and recording and awareness of what constitutes a hate crime. However, the number crunching and statistics at times mask the unquantifiable trauma and mental health distress caused to the victims of hate crimes.

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Game Over for Discrimination in Women’s Football

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As the curtains were raised on the UEFA Women’s Euro 2022 on July 6, social media were flooded with pictures of a packed stadium at Old Trafford with ecstatic fans rooting for the home team. Lionesses, as they are called, went on to beat Austria 1-0 in front of a crowd of 68,871, a record for the UEFA Women’s Euro.

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Earthy Nail Polish Partners with Stop Hate UK

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Stop Hate UK Partners with Earthy Nail Polish to Fund Our Stop Hate Line. Thank You For Giving 26 Hours of Helpline Support to People Affected by Hate Crime Your purchases are fighting hate crime, one phone call at a time. World events and news have dominated our lives over the last two years, and… Read more Earthy Nail Polish Partners with Stop Hate UK

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Celebrating LGBTQI+ Figures in History

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For Pride Month 2022, we wanted to highlight 3 figures in LGBTQI+ history to celebrate how far the community has come.

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Stop Hate UK thanks students at Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School for their kind donation

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Students at Ramsgate’s Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School have donated £1004 to Stop Hate UK.

Stop Hate UK was chosen by the students of the Rothschild-Pearce house to be the charity of choice for this academic year after receiving the most student votes in a poll of four charities.

The donation was presented to our ambassador, Libertines band member Gary Powell  during a school assembly.

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Why Pride Still Matters

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Visibility does not mean equality. Diversity does not mean representation.

While there are more LGBTQI+ public figures and more LGBTQI+ stories than ever on our screens, phones, and news feeds, we are also seeing rising numbers in hate crimes against the LGBTQI+ community. 

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What Does Pride Mean to You? – by Stop Hate UK Team

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To start off this year’s Pride Month, Stop Hate UK’s team members share what ‘Pride’ means to them in this collection of personal experiences, reflections on how far we have come as a society, how far we have left to go and a hope for an equal, inclusive and Hate-free society.

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Anniversary of George Floyd’s Death

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It has been two years since the murder of George Floyd by a policeman who kneeled on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds, suffocating him to death.

The policeman, Derek Chauvin, has been sentenced to 22.5 years in prison after pleading guilty. But did Chauvin’s conviction lead to deeper scrutiny into police brutality and bring change to systemic racism in America and the rest of the world?

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The Loneliness of Hate Crime

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As a South Asian Muslim woman, I have countless incidents of hate and discrimination that I have faced in my life. I grew up in Hong Kong and moved to the UK in 2016. Hate and discrimination in all forms exists everywhere, because I have experienced it everywhere I have been.

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Mental Health Awareness Week (9th May – 15th May)

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From 9th May to 15th May, people across the country are encouraged to share their stories, break the stigma, and create a change around how we approach mental health.

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