Terms & conditions

Terms & conditions

“We” (the “charity”) are Stop Hate UK, our Registered Charity Number is 1062692.
Stop Hate UK is a company limited by guarantee and registered in England no. 3293987

Terms of use

These terms and conditions will apply when you access our website, including the use of our webchat facility and online form. Before using our services, we ask that you read these Terms carefully. By using the services, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to these Terms, then you must not use the services. These Terms may change or be updated from time to time. It remains your responsibility to access and check these Terms whenever you access the website. The latest version of these Terms will govern any future usage of the website by you.

User conduct

You must at all times use the website in a responsible and legal manner.
All personal data that you give us in the course of using the Services will be dealt with in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and our Confidentiality Policy.

Anyone who is found to be abusing the services of the webchat or online form may have their access to the services blocked, and may be reported to the police.

Complaints, compliments and comments

We aim to provide you with quality services at all times. If, however, you feel that you have any reason to complain, please contact us to request our Complaints/Compliments/Comments Policy. The policy also contains information on submitting positive feedback and general comments.

Head Office phone: 0800 1381625
Head Office phone (Text Relay): 18001 0800 1381625
Email: info@stophateuk.org
Post: Stop Hate UK, PO Box 851, Leeds LS1 9QS

Copyright and trademark

© All content is copyright Stop Hate UK.

Stop Hate UK, the Stop Hate UK Logo and ‘Whatever they call you, call us’ are the registered trademarks of Stop Hate UK and are intended for the sole use of Stop Hate UK.