20 years of challenging hate #3: Hate Crime & Mental Health – Stuck in the middle

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Stop Hate UK Advocate James Gibbs talks about the intersection between Hate Crime and Mental Health, and the importance of holistic practice. It was sunny outside when I took the call. A woman, whose location shall remain unknown to protect her anonymity, had contacted our helpline to report ongoing abuse and harassment she had experienced… Read more 20 years of challenging hate #3: Hate Crime & Mental Health – Stuck in the middle

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20 years of challenging hate #2: Canon Mark Oakley

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20 years of challenging hate: LGBT – showing respect for all and working together. Canon Mark Oakley (with introduction by Claire Tabert) Just a few months into my role as a Stakeholder Relationships Coordinator with Stop Hate UK I have met a number of people from different organisations, participated in panel discussions, attended training sessions,… Read more 20 years of challenging hate #2: Canon Mark Oakley

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Launch of Stop LGBT Hate Crime helpline

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Stop Hate UK are pleased to announce the launch of a helpline offering advice, support and telephone-based advocacy to victims of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Hate Crime. The service has been funded until March 2016 by the Equality and Human Rights Commission and will operate across England, Scotland and Wales. The national charity, founded… Read more Launch of Stop LGBT Hate Crime helpline

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Merseyside PCC commissions Stop Hate UK to provide independent support and advice to victims

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Commissioner delivers 24/7 helpline for all hate crime victims Merseyside’s Police Commissioner has today pledged to tackle the under-reporting of hate crime by funding an independent support service for the whole region. Jane Kennedy has announced she will fund Stop Hate UK to deliver a 24/7 helpline offering third party support and advice to anyone… Read more Merseyside PCC commissions Stop Hate UK to provide independent support and advice to victims

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Stop Hate UK launches British Sign Language service

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Stop Hate UK has teamed up with InterpreterNow to provide a Video Remote Interpreting Service which offers online communication support for deaf people. Stop Hate UK strives to increase accessibility of its services to as many groups as possible so that barriers are removed in order that victims of Hate Crime feel equiped, empowered and comfortable to report. The launch of… Read more Stop Hate UK launches British Sign Language service

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