Sexual Orientation
We need your help to support people affected by LGBTQIA+ hate crimes
Here at Stop Hate we are committed to supporting the LGBTQIA+ community in fighting against all types of gender and sexuality hate.

Members of the LGBTQIA+ community are too often the victims of hate crimes
LGBTQI+ Hate Crime reports have nearly tripled in the last 3 years and in 2020/2021 over 17,135 people from the LGBTQI+ reported they were the victims of hate crimes to the police. But we know that this area is highly under-reported and thousands more who are the victims of attack, abuse and harassment do not come forward.
Hate against sexual orientation is one of the most reported motivation for Hate incidents and crimes.
Victims suffer verbal abuse and threatening behaviour such as having derogatory terms shouted at them, being threatened, having invasive or inappropriate questions asked of them or being refused service by businesses. For many in the community this type of harassment is a regular occurrence.
No one should have to suffer from hate crime, and no one should have to suffer alone. We provide critical support to victims when they need it most.

Supporting victims of Hate Crimes when they need it most through our support line
We support people directly affected by Hate Crime, help them cope with the incident, and navigate their options.
Stop Hate UK’s helpline service provides confidential and independent support, and people can report anonymously. We provide our callers a safe space to tell us about their experiences and let us know what they need and want to happen. We will then explore options and next steps with our caller.
Stories from callers
Caller was holding hands with his male partner when they were targeted by a religious group in the street. They were told by the group that it was a sin they were together. Members of the public circled the pair and also started making similar remarks. The first man’s comments had almost given other bystanders permission to join in and intimidate the pair in the incident.
The helpline team member listened carefully to the caller describing the incident and how it made him feel. They provided important emotional support, reassurance that what happened was a Hate incident, logged it and provided guidance on what to do if something like this happened again.
One caller was a gender fluid teenager who after coming out to their parents, didn’t get the support they needed from their family. They were very reluctant to engage in support for fear that their family may find out and further ostracize them. Cut off from their family support system and unsure how to get help, they reached out to Stop Hate UK.
Our helpline team built up a relationship using the caller’s preferred method of communication (email), and ultimately facilitated a referral to a local LGBT Youth Support group so they could build relationships with other people of a similar age who could relate and provide advice, emotional support and connection. They appreciated that Stop Hate UK was one of the only services to not force them into anything, and let them communicate the way they felt comfortable.

Improving understanding of gender and sexuality driven discrimination and hate
We believe in driving towards change for the future, providing education and communication aimed at decreasing hate crime against the LGBTQI+ community. Currently the number of hate crimes are still rising, and it’s critical that we address prejudice and hate at its source.
Stop Hate UK tackles LGBTQI+ Hate and discrimination by educating organisations and communities through bespoke training programmes delivered to a range of corporate and community groups including police, schools, housing providers, local authorities and corporations. We also develop and promote online educational resources which help people to understand LGBTQI+ Hate Crimes.
Our work is impacted by our conversations with LGBTQI+ organisations and individuals, as well as our participation in campaigns that aim to celebrate the LGBTQI+ community or raise awareness about the issues faced by the community.
To be able to support and provide specialised services, we continually build our communication and relationship with LGBTQI+ individuals and organisations.

Why Support Us
Acceptance and freedom for the LGBTQI+ community has progressed over the years, but hate incidents and crimes towards the community remain frequent.
This year, we saw a shocking spate of homophobic and transphobic attacks in Liverpool and across other UK cities during Pride Month. This showcases the continued need for our vital reporting services and advocacy support to be there for people affected by LGBTQI+ Hate incidents and crimes.
If the LGBTQI+ movement over the last decade has shown us anything, it is that community and collective people power can change our social justice landscape drastically. It is with your collective support that we can ensure that no one suffers alone when they experience or witness a Hate Crime.